Hi, I’m Kristen! York Region Holistic Nutritionist specializing in helping you reach your weight loss goals, overcome skin struggles, and become your best self.

If you’re currently experiencing uncomfortable symptoms, body insecurities, or maybe even a scary diagnosis, I see you.

It can be hard to imagine what life looks like on the other side of the struggle.

I would know because this was my story, too.

Before I was a CNP, I spent years struggling with my health and body image. I was using alcohol and junk food as a way of coping with a trauma I endured in my first year of university. This toxic cycle led to gaining 30lbs and developing cystic acne.

The changes in my physical appearance amplified the ugly feelings about myself I was harbouring on the inside. I would put on layers of makeup to hide my skin and cancel plans when I would have bad flare-ups because I didn’t want anyone to see me. I started living my life in the shadows…

I didn’t think things could get any worse until I received my first cancer diagnosis: Melanoma.

At this time in my life, I felt completely lost and powerless to improve my health and rebuild confidence. But a small part of me knew it didn’t have to be this way.

After my diagnosis, I decided to go on an adventure to Waterton, Alberta. This trip ended up being a major catalyst for my growth and healing. 

It was there that I found a love for climbing mountains (and later learned that this activates your crown chakra, and therefore your higher self!). Climbing those mountains helped clear my mind and truly live in the moment.

It was during one of my mountain treks that I was able to come home to myself. After years of being so disconnected from my own body, a light went off—Kristen, you don’t have to wait for permission to heal yourself. Your health and happiness are in your hands.  

This moment led me to learn everything I could about health and wellness, and I later enrolled in The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, where I became a Certified Nutritional Practitioner. Now, I am cancer and symptom-free, and have a career doing what I love: empowering ambitious women to rebalance their wellness and love their naked bodies—without the makeup, shapewear, or filters.

My health struggles gave me the awareness that well-being goes beyond the physical.

Learning to feed our bodies with the proper nutrients is just one (very important) piece of the puzzle. We have to tend to our minds and spirits, too. 

That’s why, when you work with me, we will look at every aspect of your life, taking into account your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being to get the root cause of your health concerns, no matter what you’re experiencing.

After our time together, my hope is that you will walk away standing tall with that crown on your head, knowing that you have the power to climb your mountain and make choices that align with your highest health.