Ready to love your naked self?

Finally reach your weight loss goals and regain your confidence, without sacrificing any more of your time, money, or sanity in the process. Book a free call to get started on your journey.

Does this sound like you?

✔ You don’t feel connected to your body or confident in your favourite clothes.

✔ You’ve cancelled plans due to body insecurities or low energy.

✔ You are ready to lose weight and get healthy, but you feel overwhelmed by the different weight loss methods out there and you don’t know where to start.

✔ Or maybe you’ve already invested time and money into diets, weight loss products, or group programs that left you feeling confused and disappointed because you didn’t see the results you were hoping for.

✔ Sometimes, you feel like you will struggle with your health and body weight forever…

If losing weight has been a challenge… you’re in the right place.

It’s no secret: most conventional diets and weight loss programs inevitably fail for people in the end.

But there’s a good reason for that.

The problem is that most of these methods offer cookie-cutter solutions that overlook YOUR unique goals, lifestyle, and body.

Are you ready to finally lose weight in a way that works for you (without cutting carbs or eventually gaining it all back)?


Naked Love was created to help women find a sustainable solution to their weight and health challenges.

Here, you won’t find fad diets, quick fixes, or restrictive food rules. We look beyond rigorously counting calories and putting your every decision under a microscope…

…Instead, we’ll work together to create a personalized blueprint for weight loss—a plan that is achievable, sustainable, and suited to your body, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

The NAKED LOVE Program

Naked Love is far from your average weight loss program.

It’s a mind-body transformation and lifestyle shift that will equip you with everything you need to take your health into your own hands and keep the weight off for good.

Imagine how life would feel if…

✔ You had the confidence to wear what you wanted—or nothing at all! No more hiding your body under oversized sweaters.

✔ You were in control of your cravings and had a sense of freedom around what you ate, knowing exactly how to nourish yourself and your body.

You had the energy to spend time with loved ones, participate in activities you love, and go after your biggest goals without your weight or body holding you back.

“After just 9 days of working with Kristen’s protocol, I weighed myself. I was 266 before starting the meal plan and I was already down to 258” SAMANTHA, 21

“I’m down 12 pounds after just 6 weeks into the program” SABRINA, 33

“I’ve lost 20 pounds since working with Kirsten” ALICE, 58


“I feel great, I no longer feel exhausted and unmotivated and I’ve seen so many positive changes happening with my body” SHERRI, 34

“I love your food and I’ve lost 5lbs without really dieting” REBECCA, 70

“I can’t thank you enough for your guidance and efforts in helping me get my health issues under control as well as getting my weight under control, too” ANNE, 64


I’m Kristen, Founder of Northern Nutritionist.

I created Naked Love to take the guesswork out of reaching your weight and health goals. This program was designed to empower you with the tools you need to achieve lasting results and live a vibrant, nutritionally balanced life.

With this program, not only will you create a sustainable foundation of health that will help you lose weight and keep it off, but you will also receive the highest level of support and accountability along the way, so you never have to feel alone in your health journey again.

What’s included?

✔ 3 months of Personalized Support: Biweekly sessions where you will receive holistic nutritional guidance tailored to the health goals you’re aiming for (with results you can feel in as little as two weeks!)

24/5 Nutrition Support: Email, text, or call me with any questions you may have to make sure you’re on track and feeling as confident as possible while you go through this transformational process.

3 Custom Meal Plans: Your custom meal plans are tailored to your specific dietary needs to work within your budget and busy lifestyle.

1 Lifestyle Detox: Get support to reduce toxic products that may be stopping you from reaching your goals. Together we will find products that are the perfect match for you!

Kitchen Detox: Together, we will go through your kitchen to set it up for success so you can easily meet your health goals.

GTA Grocery Haul: Take the guesswork out of grocery shopping. Pick a store within the GTA area and I will meet you for a nutritionist-guided tour. You will learn tips for analyzing nutrition labels, minimizing spending, and more!

You will also receive…

✔ 20% Off Supplements: Nourish your body with the vitamins and nutrients you need to reach your goals while saving money in the long run.

✔ 20% Off Beauty Products: Toxic beauty products affect your hormones, which can cause weight gain! With Naked Love, you will receive a discount on all Beauty Counter products.

✔Access to The Easy Eating Kit, which includes… ➔ Going Out List - Tips and hacks for maintaining your nutritional goals when out and about. ➔ Food Swaps List - How to replace conventional foods with healthy, great-tasting, and easy alternatives. ➔ Hydration Guide - Increasing water intake will improve your health in many ways, especially weight loss. This guide makes increasing your water consumption simple and fun.

Here’s the thing…

It’s not about finding the “right” diet. It’s about bringing your body back to its natural state of balance.

Weight loss happens when we address the big picture of your health, shifting the focus away from shedding pounds to prioritizing a healthier happier you. 

Like magic, a leaner body will follow. 

Through this transformative process, not only will you learn how to lose weight and keep it off, but you will also find a deeper level of love, appreciation, and care for yourself along the way.

Have questions? I have answers!

  • A CNP will provide you with a clear blueprint that is tailored to you and your health goals. I will utilize proven science-backed nutritional, lifestyle, and mindset methods that will have you losing weight in a healthy and sustainable manner by solving the root issue and keeping you accountable with frequent check-ins.

  • Here’s the thing, we’re ALL BUSY 😅 As an ambitious woman living in today’s world I wouldn’t expect anything less. If you don’t start now and learn your unique weight loss strategies that will give you results then you will always find an excuse. Ten years down the line when you do start and finally achieve your results you are going to wish you had started sooner. Leaving things now will progress to continued struggle, upset, stress, lack of confidence, and exhaustion which does not allow for you to perform at your peak and as an ambitious woman this makes life 10X more difficult and stressful. Take it from me - a fellow ambitious woman and patient at one time who suffered from cystic acne, 30 pounds of weight gain within six months, and I had too much going on that my struggles on the surface were ignored then manifested into stage 3 Melanoma at the age of 20. I had put my health aside and quickly learned that when you turn a blind eye to your health struggles now, then things will progress to a point where you will no longer have the opportunity to choose to do the healing work!

  • Exercise is an integral part of the Naked Love Weight loss Program, but again, everything will be tailored to you, your lifestyle, and what you enjoy so consistency and sustainability are accounted for because we know this is what makes lifetime results! From home workouts, gym workouts, classes, and eligibility to receiving 20% off recommended personal trainers are available to you so there is a world of possibilities!

  • If you have a specific health concern or condition you are going to be one of the most common clients that I see. My clients have typically tried many methods to achieving weight loss and found that it left them feeling defeated with little maintainable results or results that require hyper-awareness of calorie tracking eventually leading to be mentally exhausting and stressful regime that develops a love-hate relationship with food. Many of my clients have tried methods like Weight Watchers, the gym, Noom, various supplements, Jenny Craig, working with their Doctor and have yet to receive the level and sustainability of weight loss results they are looking to achieve. Since being overweight or obese is well known to be a comorbid condition with many health concerns or conditions, I have worked with a vast amount of clients with health concerns outside of just weight. These include: chronic fatigue, metabolic syndrome, joint pain, breathing issues, depression, hormone imbalances, MS, anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol, adrenal fatigue, lymphatic disorders, and more!

  • My clients see results within the first 1-2 weeks of working with me in the Naked Love Weight Loss Program.

    My client Samantha’s testimonial is one of many great examples of this: “After just 9 days of working with Kristen’s protocol I weighed myself. I was 266 before starting the meal plan and I was already down 258.” - Samantha, Age 21

  • To lay a strong foundation for the program we start with in-person or virtual 1-1.5hr Grocery Haul, Kitchen Detox, and Lifestyle Detox making you feel confident in grocery navigation, purging foods/drinks/cookware that will hinder you from achieving your goals, and slowly replacing lifestyle products that cause inflammation.

    After the initial consultation (1-1.5hrs) there will be consistent bi-weekly follow-up sessions for the entire 3-month program. A total of three 1-1.5hr consults in-person or virtually and four 30-minute virtual check-ins as well as 24/5 support throughout. These appointments are outside of the Grocery Haul, Kitchen Detox, and Lifestyle Detox.

  • The supplements recommended vary based on your individualistic needs and what your health goals are. Supplements are a tool that I enjoy using in my practice because they help us to achieve goals more quickly. To support you with budget I offer 20% off all professional supplements to all clients enrolled in my Naked Love Weight Loss Program and supplements will be delivered straight to your door.

  • Through providing a safe space to speak openly and work through the unique connection between emotional or stress-related eating and taking away unique tips and tools to be implemented to reduce these struggles. You will notice through following unique easy and quick-to-make dietary changes, taking supportive supplements, and keeping consistent with a mood-lifting lifestyle these factors will begin to fade naturally. If you are still struggling though we can play a game of worst-case scenario and have slight modifications to your protocol(s) for when these more emotional or high-stress times happen. If there is suspected to be more at play then I will recommend certain functional testing for us to dive deeper - I will decode all of the markers so that you understand what is happening and how we are going to support the body based on your results and overall holistic picture.

  • Of course! We work with you uniquely which includes reviewing any medications, food allergens or intolerances and ensuring your protocols support you and your needs best without any contraindications. I have 1000s of delicious and nutritious recipes that are free of all the main food allergens such as eggs, soy, dairy, gluten, and beyond.

  • Yes virtual video calls are available as well as in-person consultations. I work with clients across the GTA, Canada, and beyond.

  • The Naked Love Program is a hand-holding approach where I am your nutritionist bestie and cheerleader that understands there are ups and downs in any health journey and I will stick with you through it all. Receiving a tailored Grocery Haul, Lifestyle Detox, and Kitchen Detox is pretty unique in itself! Do not be mistaken though - I cannot lose the weight for you, although I wish I could do it all I am no magical fairy (although I wish I was 😂)…this is a team effort - I am the quarterback & you are the runner to the finish line. I deliver a clear plan to success but even more importantly hold you accountable to this plan, so yes no matter where you go there will be work involved BUT you will NOT be alone on this journey. As an ambitious women though I know you are no stranger to the necessity of hard work and change to achieve new results.

  • You will need to check in for our bi-weekly sessions, but if you are needing more frequent check-ins for accountability I am available to my Naked Love Weight Loss clients 24/5 through text, call, or email. All of the progress tracking will be contained within your Practice Better client portal which allows you to connect to your fitness watch, Apple Health app, and have access to a food and mood journal as well as tasks that will prompt you to record scale measurable weight and tape measurements.

  • Of course! Health is a never-ending journey and the more familiarised we are with each other and your body’s unique needs the more we can achieve together in weight loss and beyond!

  • I am a huge advocate of this, and it is why one of my favourite parts of being a nutritionist is the education component. I want nothing less for you then continued success (and I’ve had many clients that this turns into generational success as well!) - absolutely fantastic! During your follow-up review halfway through the program (approximately month two’s 30 minute call) we will discuss plans for continuing forward and based on your decision we will tailor the last month so that you are prepared for success no matter what!